Agricultural Efficiency: The Role of Precision Plastic Components in Farming Equipment

farming equipment

The agricultural sector relies on robust, resilient and tough equipment and tools to get the job done while protecting the bottom line. Many agricultural equipment parts are highly specialised, requiring precision parts manufacturing to make them work. That is why plastic injection moulding in agriculture is the ideal manufacturing technique for this fast-paced, demanding sector.

Benefits of Plastic Injection Moulding in Agriculture

As well as the proven attributes of plastic being durable, strong and highly flexible, it also costs less than other manufacturing materials such as certain alloys and specialist metals. It is easy to keep clean and has hygienic properties that are ideal for use in equipment that assists with animal feeding, milking, birthing and cleaning. Plastics can also withstand exacting weather conditions, damp, ever-changing temperatures and heavy, constant use. They do not rust, warp, seize up or corrode. This means plastic does not wear out quickly and can be used on the farm for a long time – an ideal investment.

The agriculture sector is also highly focused on sustainable solutions to help reduce carbon footprints without compromising on performance, crop yields or a healthy turnover. Renewable and reclaimed plastics are increasingly being chosen for plastic injection moulding. What’s more, many of the plastic types used for agricultural equipment can be recycled and reused once their purpose has been fulfilled. Precision parts manufacturing also ensures that little material is wasted, reducing the sector’s impact on the environment even further.

Agricultural Equipment Applications

Another huge advantage to increasing the prevalence of plastic injection moulding in agriculture is the versatility of the materials used. This means that there are so many different applications for which the technique is ideal. One key area is storage. Some examples include feed sacks, plant pots and seed trays, as well as crates, pallets, storage tanks and bins. Plastic containers are used to store and transport a wide range of crops, stores, tools and products around the farm, to customers and from suppliers. These types of items can come in different colours and finishes to enable suppliers and farmers to add branding, include warning symbols and print instructions for maximum convenience.

Other applications include irrigation systems and pesticide sprayer drone components. Plastic is lightweight, hygienic and easy to clean, making it an ideal material for these technical farm operational systems. Plastic injection precision parts manufacturing is also suitable for agricultural machine parts and spares, tools, brushes and cleaning equipment and farm vehicle engine parts. Still more uses can be found in water tanks, animal troughs, plastic sheeting for outdoor shelters and exterior equipment covers. All these items are exposed to the elements, so require robust protection from wind, rain, frost and UV rays.

Finally, plastic used to make feeding troughs, animal pens and veterinary equipment helps protect animals as the surface is easy to keep clean and does not have rough edges to cut delicate feet or mouths.

In conclusion, there are almost as many agricultural applications for plastic injection moulding as there are different types of crops and farm animal species.

How to ensure the perfect precision parts manufacturing project for your farm

As with any project, the more detail and input the customer can provide at the start of the design process, the closer the finished product will be to their original vision. When you begin the conversation with a plastic injection moulding expert about the agricultural equipment you need, you will be asked several questions. These must be answered in detail to allow a comprehensive brief to be drawn up. Choosing plastic for your project will provide you with a wide range of options around the type of materials used, colour, texture, mass, shape, dimensions and quantity.

Your manufacturer should keep you informed throughout the process. This allows you to make adjustments to any prototypes being created, and to ensure total satisfaction with your order. Most agricultural equipment is heavy-wearing and will give you many long years of service. Therefore, working with the manufacturer to get everything right from the start is a worthwhile investment of time and money. In the high-pressure farming industry, there can be very tight financial margins to control. Every penny counts. So, speak to an expert in agriculture plastic injection moulding to find out more about getting the process started in the most cost-effective, quality assured way possible.